Wasa and Tepa



The Lahore Development Authority has the powers to create Agency for specific task. Immediately after the establishment of LDA, WASA was created as subsidiary Agency of Lahore Development Authority for the Planning, Designing, Development, Maintenance, Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage System in Lahore. It is divided into various sections in accordance with specific functions and each section is headed by a Senior Officer.



DG : Director General, DMD(FA&R) : Deputy Managing Director (Finance Admin & Revenue), DMD(O&M) :Deputy Managing, Director(Operation Management), O&M : Operation & Management, DC : Director construction, DMD :Deputy Managing Director, DR : Director Revenue, DA : Director Admin, DF : Director Finance, DT : Director Training




TEPA was created as subsidiary agency for the Planning, Designing and Development of Traffic and Transport System Roads & Projects in Lahore. It is divided into various sections in accordance with specific functions and each section is headed by a Senior Officer.



DG : Director General, MD : Managing Director, CE : Chief Engineerer, DA&F : Director Admin and Finance, DS : Director Study, DE&C : Director Engineering & Construction, DTE : Director Training & Engineering, DB : Director Building, DP&D : Director Plaining & Development, DE : Director Engineering