DCS : Director Computer Services, SA : System Analyst , DBA : Database Administrator , NE : Network Engineer , AD (C) : Assistant Director (Computer) , CO : Computer Officer , SCO : Supervisor Computer Operations , COP : Computer Operator.
Introduction and History
Lahore Development Authority was established in 1975. LDA attempts to turn Lahore into an "attainable city" with combined support of people, private sector and different level of the Government, where overwhelming majority enjoys convenient, healthful and satisfied living. It is committed to help make Lahore the most livable mega city of the South Asian Region by 2010 and one of the thirty leading educational cultural, commercial, industrial and information technology centers of the world by 2020. Unfortunately from last 35 years, LDA is unable to achieve the modern standards especially in the field of I.T (Information Technology). But now LDA is striving hard to achieve its targets. LDA have started the LRMS (Land Record Management System) to computerize all of its existing land records and to automate its business processes.
- Computerization of LDA housing schemes
- Intra/Internetworking of LDA Offices
- Computerization of a range of LDA processes
- In-house software development
- Call Centre Management
- Biometric Employee Attendance Management System
- Electronic Surveillance System through Security Cameras
- Inter/intranetworking of LDA offices; both wired and wireless with internet access
- Installation of fully equipped data centre at LDA offices
- Installation of LDA Call Centre
- Computerization of Johar Town Scheme is 80% completed
- Scanning of Registers, Files and Maps of One Window, DEM's and DLD's
- Computerization of allocation and allotment of plots
- Development of Accounts Management System for LOS
- Development of HR Management for Directorate of Administration
- Development of Lawsuit Management System for Directorate of Law
- Development of Payroll System for Directorate of Finance
- Development of Directive Management System for Directorate of C and I
- Development of Vehicles Management System for Directorate of C and I
- Development of Security Paper Printing Management System for all DLD’s and DEM's
- Development of Possession Management System for DEM
- In-house computerization of all the schemes of LDA
- Implementation of ERP
- Implementation of Disaster Recovery Management System
- Electronic Record Room Management System
S.F.P Cell
LDA has embarked upon a new era of revolutionary management by introducing a novel idea of "Security-Featured Papers". At the moment, 13 various kinds of security-featured papers have been introduced that include:
1) Transfer Letter
2) Allocation Letter
3) Allotment Letter
4) Completion Certificate
5) Building Sanction Plan
6) Commercialization Letter
7) Physical Possession Letter
8) Possession Order
9) Exchange Letter
10) Permission to Mortgage
11) Entitlement Report/proforma
12) Ownership Requisitions
13) Exemption Letter
They are customized papers with inbuilt security measures which are not visible with naked eye. All the sensitive documents of LDA are now published over these security- featured papers. The system of preparation and issuance of these papers have been centralized and strictly monitored. A separate wing, by the name of "Security-Featured Papers Cell (SP Cell)" has been established at its Johar Town Complex and is fully automated and functional.
These papers possess some latent characteristics and bear a hundred years paper life. Some of the hidden features embedded in these papers are as under:
(i) Tampering – evidence available
(ii) Termite free
(iii) 100000 R- µ text points
(iv) MC bar code
(v) µ - lighting-R department name
(vi) 3-D hologram
(vii) MCF paper
The main objective of establishing SFP-Cell is to curb land mafia maneuverings and to resist corruption and forgery in documentation. SFP Cell is functional and running without any friction since October 6, 2010.
INCHARGE: Director Computer Services
TELEPHONE: (092) 042-99262373
POSTAL ADDRESS: Ground Floor, 467 Block D/2, M.A. Johar Town, Lahore