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  • 661. Two illegal constructions demolished by LDA 31 Aug, 2013
    662. Ch Akram entrusted with the additional charge of the post of CMP 27 Aug, 2013
    663. Waseem Ahmad Khan, Chief Metropolitan Planner LDA posted as Member Planning & Design, Capital Development Authority 26 Aug, 2013
    664. Two LDA officers posted 23 Aug, 2013
    665. Mariam Kayani, entrusted with the additional charge of the post of Additional Director General (Housing),LDA 20 Aug, 2013
    666. Awareness seminars and walks were held at all the six LDA Model Schools 19 Aug, 2013
    667. DG LDA Inspects LDA office to review anti-Dengue Measures 19 Aug, 2013
    668. Six LDA officers transferred 17 Aug, 2013
    669. LDA Budget Approved 30 Jul, 2013
    670. LDA demolishes illegal structures at 11 places 26 Jul, 2013
    671. Alert about private Housing Schemes 20 Jul, 2013
    672. Buyers 73 Housing Schemes in LDA Controlled area are illegal 17 Jul, 2013
    673. Three LDA officers suspended 12 Jul, 2013
    674. Two LDA officers Transferred, One suspended 09 Jul, 2013
    675. A total of 17 motor cycles were distributed among the LDA employees through a balloting held on Friday. 06 Jul, 2013
    676. LDA demolished a total of five structures and sealed another one at various locations in its controlled area. 06 Jul, 2013
    677. All the public dealing offices of LDA will observe a six-day working week. 06 Jul, 2013
    678. LDA seals 12 properties 05 Jul, 2013
    679. LDA sealed a total of six buildings at various locations in Gulberg 03 Jul, 2013
    680. LDA decides to construct road at a cost of Rs. 1.98 billion. 03 Jul, 2013
    681. Residential of private housing schemes contact in case of problem due to rain water 02 Jul, 2013
    682. Posting of Two Officers in LDA 02 Jul, 2013
    683. Clarifying the situation about the fire incident at the seventh floor of LDA plaza on Saturday evening (29th of June 2013) 01 Jul, 2013
    684. Membership of LDA Sports Complex Johar Town will is open from today (Monday 1st of July 2013) 01 Jul, 2013
    685. LDA issues instructions to private housing schemes for immediate drainage of rain water 01 Jul, 2013
    686. Only Tax payers will get Membership of LDA Sports Complex Johar Town 01 Jul, 2013
    687. LDA demolished a total of eight illegal buildings in Johar Town. 28 Jun, 2013
    688. ADG(HQ) Mariam Kayani has granted extension in the contract period of 33 Assistant Directors of LDA for a period of three years. 28 Jun, 2013
    689. A group of 46 probationary officers of Pakistan Administrative Service, visited the office of LDA. 24 Jun, 2013
    690. LDA organized a training seminar for its officers and employees for imparting fire-fighting guidance. 24 Jun, 2013