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  • 541. Muazam Rasheed has been given the additional charge of DLD-III. 27 Jun, 2014
    542. Operation against illegal constructions by LDA, 9 buildings demolished in Allama Iqbal Town. 27 Jun, 2014
    543. Situations Vacant in Computer / IT Department of LDA 25 Jun, 2014
    544. Park View Villas Multan Road is Illegal residential scheme. 19 Jun, 2014
    545. DG LDA regularizes 555 employees 17 Jun, 2014
    546. DG LDA has imposed penalty for guilty persons responsible for fire incident which occurred in LDA Plaza. 13 Jun, 2014
    547. Electricity supply will remain suspended from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm on Monday 16-6-14 in mentioned areas. 13 Jun, 2014
    548. LDA has arranged public hearing on Environment Impact Assessment Report. 13 Jun, 2014
    549. Seven plots were auctioned by LDA against a sum of Rs. 53.7 million on Thursday. 12 Jun, 2014
    550. LDA has announced 17 candidates for appointment as Junior Accounts Assistant (BS-11). 12 Jun, 2014
    551. Open auction of 28 plots by LDA will be held today 12-June-2014 at 10:00 am. 11 Jun, 2014
    552. DG LDA has imposed major penalty of compulsory retirement upon Deputy Director Babar Javed Butt... 09 Jun, 2014
    553. DG LDA has posted Khurram Mukhtar Bhangu as LAC-II and relieving Sajjad Ahmad Qureshi of the additional charge 09 Jun, 2014
    555. LDA has decided to establish day care centre at its Johar Town office. 04 Jun, 2014
    556. Posting and transfers of LDA Officers 31 May, 2014
    557. Expression of Interest for Prequalification of Consultants. 30 May, 2014
    558. LDA has announced 11 candidates for appointment as Assistant (BS-14) 29 May, 2014
    559. DG LDA has ordered, transfers and postings of four officers. 29 May, 2014
    560. Seven plots were auctioned by LDA against a sum of Rs. 45.7 million. 27 May, 2014
    561. Proposals Invited for Amendments in Lahore Master Plan 2004 25 May, 2014
    562. DG LDA Ahad Khan Cheema has posted Aamir Ahmad Khan (ex-PCS/BS-17) as Director Land Acquisition. 24 May, 2014
    563. LDA has declared 18 candidates appointed as DEO. 22 May, 2014
    564. LDA recovered million and has sealed 32 residential buildings which were being illegally used for commercial purposes in Allama Iqbal Town dated 22-05-2014. 22 May, 2014
    565. 30 residential buildings has been sealed by LDA for non-payment of annual commercialization fee despite commercial use in Allama Iqbal Town. 21 May, 2014
    566. The LDA Directorates working under ADG(H), CMP & CTP will remain open till 8:00 pm for two days to clear OWC pendency.. 20 May, 2014
    567. DG LDA has handed over the control of DLD-II schemes to DLD-III & DLD-IV. 20 May, 2014
    568. ADG(H) transferred AD Muddasir Majeed from DLD-II to DLD-IV. 20 May, 2014
    569. Expression of Interest for Prequalification of Consultants. 20 May, 2014
    570. 31 buildings sealed by LDA in M.A.Johar Town due to non payment of commercialization fee, 14 building have been desealed on payment of fee. 15 May, 2014