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  • 511. Important information for the owners of plots in LDA Ave-I 28 Sep, 2014
    512. LDA will hold grand auction of properties today (on 25 September 2014) at 10.00am 25 Sep, 2014
    513. Open Auction for 10 years of Liberty Park N Ride Plaza, will be held on 25-09-2014 at LDA 22 Sep, 2014
    514. LDA has decided to initiate legal proceedings against Dr Tahir Ul Qadri on account of using defamatory language against LDA. 18 Sep, 2014
    515. LDA intends to procure stereoscopic satellite imagery and digital surface model. 17 Sep, 2014
    516. LDA City Housing Scheme Ferozpur Road Lahore 13 Sep, 2014
    517. LDA has decided to auction tenancy rights of Rooftop restaurant, Liberty Market dated 25th of Sep. 11 Sep, 2014
    518. NTS will conduct test for recruitment of 11 officers in LDA on Sunday 26 October 2014 at Lahore. 11 Sep, 2014
    519. All LDA Directors will remain present at OWC for one hour daily to listen the public problems 10 Sep, 2014
    520. 7 plots were auctioned by LDA against Rs. 26.5 million 09 Sep, 2014
    521. LDA has invited Expression of Interest for joining hands with renowned school systems 09 Sep, 2014
    522. DG LDA has entrusted additional charge of the post of Director Katchi Abadies to Kh.Javed Aslam 09 Sep, 2014
    523. Auction of 8 shops of Liberty Park N Ride Plaza, and 17 commercial plots of Johar Town, Faisal Town, Tajpura and Fruit & Vegetable Market Allama Iqbal Town will be held today (on 08 September 2014) 08 Sep, 2014
    524. Anti-dengue campaign, Dengue Cleanliness Day was observed in all offices of LDA. 08 Sep, 2014
    525. Expression of Interest for Prequalification for Setting up of Schools under Joint Venture. 03 Sep, 2014
    526. Transfer and Posting of LDA officers 02 Sep, 2014
    527. Four LDA officers promoted 30 Aug, 2014
    528. LDA has decided to establish day care centre. 30 Aug, 2014
    529. LDA seals 6 private housing schemes 26 Aug, 2014
    530. Transfer of AD Faisal from Directorate of Enforcement to Directorate of Recovery. 26 Aug, 2014
    531. Possession Form for LDA AVENUE-I 25 Aug, 2014
    532. Auction of 8 shops and 22 commercial & residential plots will be held tomorrow dated 21-08-2014 19 Aug, 2014
    533. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Luxury Apartments and Health Club at Finance & Trade Center, Johar Town Lahore 16 Aug, 2014
    534. Muazam Rasheed has been given the additional charge of DLD-III. 11 Aug, 2014
    535. Two plots were auctioned by LDA against a sum of Rs.18.7 million. 21 Jul, 2014
    536. Auction of 16 commercial plots of Johar Town, Jubilee Town and 10 Shops of Liberty Park & Ride Plaza will be held today. 20 Jul, 2014
    537. ADG LDA Amina Munir has ordered posting transfers of officers. 07 Jul, 2014
    538. Posting orders of seven Assistant Directors (Town Planning) 07 Jul, 2014
    539. 10 plots auctioned in Rs.55.5 million by LDA. 02 Jul, 2014
    540. DG LDA has ordered for mutual transfer of two Directors. 28 Jun, 2014