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  • 421. ADG (HQ) LDA has entrusted additional charge of various posts to three officers. 23 Feb, 2015
    422. LDA carried out a joint operation against 8 illegal housing schemes 21 Feb, 2015
    423. ADG (HQ) LDA has rejected appeals of three LDA employees against their compulsory retirement or dismissal from service 21 Feb, 2015
    424. LDA initiate legal action against 109 illegal housing schemes in Lahore‎ 20 Feb, 2015
    425. Transfer and Posting of LDA Officers 16 Feb, 2015
    426. LDA Promoted 49 Officials to Grade Seven 16 Feb, 2015
    427. LDA action against illegal schemes, 18 schemes declared illegal. 13 Feb, 2015
    428. ADG(HQ) LDA has ordered of posting of 22 newly promoted ADs. 10 Feb, 2015
    429. Posting of 3 newly recruited Assistant Directors, LDA. 10 Feb, 2015
    430. 10 plots were auctioned by LDA against a sum of Rs.245 million. 09 Feb, 2015
    431. LDA will construct sigbal free route from Qartaba chowk to Liberty for Rs. 1.3 billion 07 Feb, 2015
    432. Open auction for RoofTop restaurant, petrol pump, marquee and commercial, residential plots will be held tomorrow. 07 Feb, 2015
    433. Posting and transfer of 4 LDA officers. 07 Feb, 2015
    434. Operation against 5 illegal housing schemes by LDA 06 Feb, 2015
    435. LDA has promoted 22 officials in Grade 17 06 Feb, 2015
    436. ADG (HQ) LDA has posted 3 assistant directors upon their joining LDA. 06 Feb, 2015
    437. LDA has completed Moulana Shoukat Ali Road Extension Project besides construction of a new full-depth underpass along canal road at a cost of Rs. 1.72 billion. 04 Feb, 2015
    438. LDA will recruit 40 new Assistant Directors. Application form and Bank Challan can be downloaded from NTS web site ( 31 Jan, 2015
    439. LDA has established a commission and commission office in QAT to resolve the issues of Bonafide Purchasers, who have purchased plots through illegal procedure. 30 Jan, 2015
    440. Two bids received for construction of affordable houses under Ashiyana Scheme. 28 Jan, 2015
    441. LDA has announced names of candidates who have been appointed against 3 post of ADs (Accounts/BS-17). 27 Jan, 2015
    442. Ballotting of plots in LDA Avenue-I 26 Jan, 2015
    443. DG-LDA Ahad, has promoted a total of 37 ADs of General Cadre, to the post of DD in BS-18. 26 Jan, 2015
    444. DG-LDA has promoted a total of 10 ADs of TP, working in BS-17, as Deputy Director in BS-18. 26 Jan, 2015
    445. DG-LDA has promoted a total of 6 ADs of Engineering Wing, working in BS-17, as DD in BS-18. 26 Jan, 2015
    446. DG-LDA has promoted 2 ADs of Law Directorate, working in BS-17, as Deputy Director in BS-18. 26 Jan, 2015
    447. LDA has declared the names of candidates who have been appointed against 7 post of DEO (BS-10). 26 Jan, 2015
    448. Alternate plots were allotted to the 321 affected allottees and owners of plots in LDA Avenue-I. 25 Jan, 2015
    449. The post of Director Finance LDA Zaheer Asghar Rana, BS-19, has been upgraded to BS-20. 25 Jan, 2015
    450. LDA has declared the names of 10 candidates who had been appointed against 10 post of sub-engineer. 25 Jan, 2015